Reflecting on 2023

If you know me, you know I love to practice what I preach. Reflection is vital to moving forward with intention. That’s why every year in December, I like to take a quick moment to look back on the past year and go into the New Year with as much clarity as I can find. Here’s what I learned in 2023:

What went well?

The time taken during 2022 to build some systems really came to fruition in 2023. This year was all about trying, tweaking, and retrying our systems. 

Also, my team. We built out our team to seven this year and everyone rocked it. While I am the front-facing person in Mosaic, I could not do it without my team helping run things behind the scenes. I love our ability to truly go with the flow!

What will I do differently next year?

I will get out of the way more! I hate being a bottleneck to progress, so, in 2024, I aim to be involved in the initial steps then will get out of my own way and my team's way and let them do their magic.

I will also build in more downtime. More about that later...

What surprised me this year?

While I've experienced this before, it always surprises me how much the universe will roll out the red carpet when you're moving in the right direction. We made some choices in 2023 that were nerve-wracking and in some instances, scary. Every time, we were "rewarded" with the next steps illuminating right in front of us and, in many cases, even before we felt ready to take them!

Any ah-ha moments?

This quote went straight to my over-achieving heart: "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away."

Biggest takeaways from 2023?

Maintain open communication and collaboration with our team, then get out of the way.

Who inspired you this year?

My clients. We worked with even more new groups this year, and I'm constantly inspired by the work you all are doing every day. If you know me, you know I'm a crier, and I cried (or had tears well up) enough times this year that even I was surprised!

What are three words to describe the past year and why?

Give yourself space.

I was going to pick three different words or ideas, but this was it. I need space to rejuvenate and did okay building in those pockets of space, but I noticed a few times throughout the year I needed more. I’ve already blocked off recovery windows following the busy times in next year’s calendar to make sure I give myself the space I need. 

If I could travel back to the beginning of the year, what advice would I give myself?

Try it. Do it. What's the worst that could happen?

I’d strongly encourage you to do a reflection of your own! Feel free to use the prompting questions above. I promise you, that reflecting will better equip you for the year to come.

Also, a friendly reminder to not forget to reflect at the end of your strategic plan. Your next plan will thank you for it. If you need support in facilitating that reflection, I can help