Your Values Checklist

Are your values well defined? Use this checklist.

Corporate Values Checklist (2).png

While much goes into building and developing values for an organization, often it ends there. Our goal at Mosaic Engagement is to change that; helping you create well-defined values that are actioned to motivate your team and drive your business forward in a meaningful way, every day.

Why is it important to define and live your organizational values?

Your values are the core of who you are and how you operate. It's the backbone of all your decision-making. Do your employees know what your organizational values are? Can they recite them without having them listed in front of them? How do you know if your values are working for you? Do your customers believe these are your values based on how you operate? Let’s find out.

Are your values well defined?

Use this checklist:

  1. Do you have organizational values?

  2. Can you name them? Can you define them?

  3. Can you identify at least one specific behaviour that demonstrates each value in action?

  4. If you act out of alignment to the organizational values, what happens?

If you were able to answer each point in the checklist, you're off to a great start.

If any of those were left unanswered, let's work together with your team to improve alignment with values and action. Contact Mosaic Engagement today.