Strategic Plan FAQs

What is strategic planning?

Strategic planning is a process organizations work through together to define the organization's strategic direction. This is a long-term (3-5 years) direction to map out the organization's journey to achieve its goals.

What is included in the plan?

Strategic Plans consist of an organization’s Vision, Mission, and Values, Strategic Pillars, Accomplishments (or outcomes) within each of those pillars, and Major Initiatives that are needed to achieve those accomplishments.

Why do we need one?

A few reasons why having a clear strategic plan is helpful. First, it provides direction to the staff and volunteers running the organization. Additionally, the strategic plan will set priorities for which areas should be the focus (this can help with time and money might be limited!). Finally, most funders require a plan and report of what the organization is and has done. This is the strategic plan!

We already have a strategic plan - do we need to do another one?

Effective strategic plans have a lifespan, typically 3-5 years though it can be more, which helps to narrow the scope. Keeping clear timelines will help to decide what can be accomplished! If you already have a strategic plan, look at what the dates are. If it is outdated, it’s time to refresh. You may not need to start from scratch but it’s a good idea to take a pulse check to see how you’ve done accomplishing what was set if there’s anything that is no longer relevant to the organization, and what is exciting to consider working toward now! 

What are the steps to develop a plan?

  1. Develop a Strategic Plan Team

  2. Consult Stakeholders

  3. Review input and develop the content of the plan

  4. Gather feedback on the content

  5. Refine the plan

  6. Approve the plan!

Who needs to be involved in creating the plan?

We recommend putting together a team of people that know the organization well. This may be staff, members of the board, and/or key stakeholders. Some organizations choose to involve the entire staff or board and others choose to work with a representative group. 

During each of the steps (noted above) there will be different voices included but overall, the Strategic Team drives the process.

How long will it take us?

This depends on how you choose to approach the planning and how much time is available! Some organizations will work methodically over an entire year to work through the different steps of the process and others complete the process within a few months.

When should we do this?

If your organization either does not have a plan or it is quite outdated, then it’s a great idea to begin as soon as you can. Some organizations find it helpful to complete their plan in time for their fiscal year-end so they can start fresh with a new plan as their new year begins. 

If you have a current plan, ideally you will begin within the last year of that plan so the new one is ready to take effect as soon as the old one expires.

Can we get our money back from the purchase of the Strategic Plan Development Program?

Mosaic Engagement has a refund policy that applies to the purchase of this program.  Please visit that policy for details.

What do we do with the plan once we have developed it?

The best plans are put into action. Once you and your Strategic Team have completed the plan, build the accomplishments and initiatives into your work plans. Keep this plan top of mind by sharing it with your stakeholders, providing quarterly updates to your community, and adding a standing agenda item (Update on Strategic Plan) to your management, staff, and/or board meetings! This will help to keep things fresh and continual progress can be celebrated!