Leadership Development -> Thriving

We’ve worked with organizations across various industries, and every organization has different reasons for investing in leadership development. One thing we know for sure is that providing opportunities for your leaders to improve is fundamental to any thriving organization, and this blog will show you why. 

Leadership training opportunities attract eager and engaged talent

We promise you - your leaders want to improve. Who doesn’t want to be good at their job? Just as kids want to get better at a task, so do adults. 

During the recruitment process, showing you invest in leadership development tells potential hires you’re willing to support them in honing their skills and nurture their desire to move up the ranks. It also gives them insight into your corporate culture - and trust us when we say providing staff with access to leadership development workshops can seriously drive a positive corporate culture. 

It helps retain driven staff

There are two key aspects to this point: retaining your leaders and the staff working under them. 

Let’s start with your leaders. Personal fulfillment and growth ensure your leaders are happy at work. When they feel fulfilled, they feel confident - and confident leaders inspire and empower confidence in their staff. Kouzes and Posner, authors of The Leadership Challenge, say great leaders “model the way” for their staff. Providing leadership development training opportunities has a profound trickle-down effect. 

Betterworks.com suggests “employees don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses,” and “57% of unhappy employees leave their jobs because of their bosses.” You can put two and two together - helping your leaders improve and develop their management skills can lead to happier staff, which has a huge impact on your staff wanting to stick around.   

Can fill gaps in your existing team’s expertise

Before putting together the list of leadership workshops you want to offer your leaders, consider an informal gap analysis of expertise within your team - what skills do you want to develop, or what would benefit your team? 

Mosaic Engagement can even facilitate the gap analysis for you! Get your team members involved in the process early on to further engage.

Has a significant impact on succession planning

The healthiest organizations understand their staff won’t be the same forever. Planning for succession and people leaving doesn’t have to be a scary thing. We understand the hesitancy - what if you invest in your leaders and they leave? Sure, but what if you DON’T invest in your leaders and they stay?

Overall, providing leadership development workshops can not only improve workflow and efficiency, but it can your staff feel happier at work - it makes them feel like the organization has their back and cares about their overall development.