Mosaic Women's Retreat

How I Prepared for the Mosaic Women’s Retreat

Work days can be overwhelming. If you find yourself thinking, “I don’t have enough hours in the day,” or you’re working into the evening to get things done, it might be time to make some shifts.

Similarly, home tasks are never-ending. The life track of your work/life rhythm is relentless. Not in a positive or negative way - it just is! While there has been some slight progress in recent years, in heterosexual relationships, most of the domestic work falls to women. So, if we have steady streams of things to do, how can we alleviate some of the work, reduce stress, or at the very least, free up some brain space?

Megan Foster facilitating the Mosaic Women's Retreat Leadership Conference Event

Money mindset coach Denise Duffield-Thomas suggests reflecting on what can be eliminated, delegated, batched and outsourced. I have done this in both work and home scenarios.

As I was planning the Mosaic Women’s Retreat, I worked through Denise’s framework. That reflection resulted in the following:

Eliminate - Giveaways

I could have dedicated a lot of time and energy to building a swag bag. I knew I wanted the retreat to be about women coming together, and swag collecting would not have added value to that result. Eliminated!

The Mosaic Women's Retreat

Delegate - Refining Workbooks

I am good at course content and engaging activities. Refining and finessing are HARD for me. That is not my zone of genius. Enter Amber, one of my Mosaic teammates. This IS Amber’s zone of genius, so sticking to what we are both great at allows me time to focus elsewhere. Delegated.


Different tasks require different parts of the brain, and research shows that it takes approximately 20 minutes to get into a routine after switching tasks (spoiler alert - we are not, in fact, good at multitasking!). So I looked at what was needed, then completely focused on one area at a time. For example, one day was course content, and another day was workbooks, and a different day was flip chart day (my fav!), and so on. Each task received my full attention, reducing the amount of time and energy required from my brain. Batched.


What do I not need to do at all? Enter the brilliant team at Create Marketing. Courtney did a great job promoting the retreat. I leaned into their expertise and let Create do their thing. Feeling confident that the promotion was in capable hands, I put my energy in other places. Outsourced.

Maybe you’re not in a situation where outsourcing is an option, no sweat! It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Eliminating or delegating even one task is progress!

If limited time is a stumbling block for you, consider what could be eliminated, delegated, batched or outsourced. This process might just be what you need.

Mosaic Women's Retreat Leadership Conference Event
Megan Foster