Mosaic Engagement Group

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4 Benefits of Women's Networks

The Mosaic Women’s Retreat is an opportunity to learn and grow, but it’s also about bringing together like-minded women to build a positive network within our community. Networking has brought so many opportunities to my life. It’s introduced me to mentors, clients, and friends, and has been key to helping me nurture my entrepreneurial spirit and sharpen my business brain.


But networking isn’t just about meeting new people. It has several benefits for your personal and professional life. Let’s break it down into the top eight reasons women’s networks are amazing!

Being open to new people makes you open to new life experiences

Okay, so networking is a bit about meeting new people, but it goes deeper than that! When you meet someone new and learn about their life - even if it’s only on a professional level - you’re peeling back layers of the world around you. Maybe you’ll learn something new you can take back to your own job, or perhaps they’ll tell you about an incredible trip they took to Bali and a hotel you just have to stay at. Regardless of where your conversation goes, I can guarantee it won’t be time wasted.

It feeds your connection craving

Not everyone is a social butterfly. However, no matter where you land on the spectrum between introverted and extroverted, you need human connection. We all do. What better way to feed your connection craving than meeting with like-minded people who support and uplift one another?

Good networks are about quality over quantity

Let me paint a picture (actually two pictures). First, you’re flying solo at a mega-conference with thousands of people and dozens of speakers. You sit in on the sessions that interest you, and you attend the networking cocktail hour at the end of the day with 400 other people in the room. Now, picture number two. You’re at a retreat in an intimate venue in your community with a couple dozen other people, some are familiar faces, others are not. Throughout the retreat, the facilitator breaks you into groups. You listen, you learn, you share. By the end of the first day, you know the names of everyone in the room and they know yours. What event seems like a higher-quality networking experience?

You get to play mentor and mentee

Mentorship and confidence go hand-in-hand. One, how amazing does it feel when someone asks you prompting questions because they’re genuinely curious about what you have to say? And two, how great does it feel when you ask someone else questions and their answers give you a lightbulb moment - congrats, you’ve learned something new! Networks have a funny way of making everyone in the room both a mentor and a mentee.

I’m proud to say the Mosaic Women’s Retreat hits the marks on all of the above. Spaces for women to learn and grow together are my jam, and I’m so happy I get to share it with you. Registration for this year’s Mosaic Women’s Retreat is now closed.
