Mosaic Engagement Group

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Embracing Diversity in Facilitation

As a facilitator, I’ve had the privilege of guiding many organizations through their strategic planning, change management, and stakeholder engagement journeys. Today, I’m excited to share some insights on a topic close to my heart and crucial for our collective success: the importance of considering diversity in the process.

Why Diversity Matters

Imagine you’re cooking a stew. If you use just one ingredient, it’s bound to be bland. But when you mix various ingredients, you get a rich, flavorful dish. The same goes for strategic planning and major organizational decisions! Diversity is the secret ingredient that transforms a good plan into a great one.

Fresh Perspectives

Diverse teams bring a wealth of experiences, viewpoints, and ideas to the table. Diverse perspectives can uncover opportunities and solutions that a more homogenous group might overlook. For instance, someone from a different cultural background might see a market opportunity that others miss, or suggest a unique approach to a persistent problem.

Greater Innovation

Innovation thrives in diverse environments. When people with different backgrounds collaborate, they challenge each other’s assumptions and spark creative thinking. This dynamic is essential for developing strategies that are not just effective but also innovative and forward-thinking.

How to Integrate Diversity in Planning Processes

Alright, so we know why diversity is important. Now, let’s talk about how to weave it into the fabric of your planning processes.

1. Build a Diverse Planning Team

Start by assembling a team that reflects a mix of genders, ethnicities, ages, and professional backgrounds. This doesn’t just happen by chance; it requires intentional effort. Think about who’s at the table and more importantly, who is not there. If you are looking to make changes in a certain area, are those affected part of the discussion? “D&I [diversity and inclusion] efforts are needed to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and can contribute their best ideas and talents; a company’s success depends on its ability to innovate and develop new solutions. To do this, you need a creative workforce with various skill sets, which diversity provides.” (Tynes, B. 2022. Forbes)

2. Foster an Inclusive Environment

Creating a diverse team is just the first step. You also need to ensure that everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas. Encourage open dialogue, actively listen, and create a safe space for all voices to be heard. Remember, inclusivity is the fertile ground where diverse ideas can take root and flourish. For example, Google conducted an in-depth study across 180 teams to determine the factors that have the greatest impact on team success. One of the top reasons they discovered is physiological safety. “Google found that teams with psychologically safe environments had employees who were less likely to leave, more likely to harness the power of diversity, and ultimately, who were more successful.” (Schneider, M. 2017.

3. Leverage Different Strengths

Recognize and celebrate the unique strengths that each team member brings. Use tools like Dynamix to understand each person’s strengths and how they can contribute to the team’s goals. This not only boosts morale but also ensures that you’re leveraging the full potential of your diverse team.

4. Continuously Educate and Train

Diversity and inclusion aren’t one-time efforts. Incorporate regular training sessions and workshops to educate the team about the benefits of diversity and the best practices for maintaining an inclusive environment. Continuous learning keeps the momentum going and reinforces the importance of these values.

The Benefits of a Diverse Strategy

When diversity is woven into the strategic planning process, the benefits are manifold:

Better Decision Making

Diverse teams are less likely to fall into the trap of groupthink, leading to more robust and well-rounded decisions.

Increased Employee Engagement

Employees who see their identities and experiences reflected in the company’s strategy are more likely to feel valued and engaged.

Incorporating diversity into strategic planning and decision-making isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s the smart thing to do. It enriches the process, fosters innovation, and leads to better outcomes. So, let’s embrace diversity, celebrate our differences, and work together to build strategies that propel our organizations forward.

As your friendly neighbourhood facilitator, I’m here to support you on this journey. Let’s make the facilitation process as dynamic, inclusive, and successful as possible. Here’s to diverse thinking and brilliant strategies!

Need support with your strategic plan, change management, or auditing your diversity and inclusion efforts? Let’s chat.


Schneider, M. (2017, July 19). Google Spent 2 Years Studying 180 Teams. The Most Successful Ones Shared These 5 Traits.

Tynes, B. (2022, March 3). The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion for Today's Companies. Forbes.