Mosaic Engagement Group

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Workload Spring Cleaning

As an entrepreneur, I’m constantly working on finding efficiencies to maximize the amount of time I can dedicate to my client work. That’s why I discovered money mindset expert, Denise Duffield-Thomas.

Denise’s female-forward approach to wealth and entrepreneurship really resonated with me. Her book, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch! talks about increasing bandwidth and finding more time, energy, and effort to focus on what matters most or is valuable to us. 

Her framework encourages you to look individually assess all of the tasks in your workload. As you reflect on each task, consider where it fits best: delete, delegate, outsource and batch. Think of these as filters and apply them in order.

First, what tasks can you delete?

Do you have any tasks that no longer serve a purpose? Can you delete them from your workload entirely?

Second, what tasks can you delegate?

Is there someone who can do this task more efficiently or effectively? Has someone in your organization expressed interest in developing skills that this task could support?

Third, what tasks can you outsource?

Organizations sometimes fear outsourcing, because they assume the cost won’t be worth it. While budget limitations are very real, there are often intangible costs that make the overall cost much higher to complete in-house than the fees of hiring a contractor. 

Alternatively, outsourcing may produce a higher quality result, complete things faster, or set up a foundation for future efficiency.

Lastly, what can you batch?

Tasks that are left after applying the other filters are what you truly need to do. You're either the best person for the work or the tasks left are what you love to do! Batching tasks means dedicating scheduled time to a specific task or a group of similar tasks.

To start, consider some of the key tasks in your workload (this should be reduced, remember!?) and start grouping them with other similar tasks. Then, identify certain times you will complete those tasks.

This system allows you to simplify your workload, so the work that’s left is more focused and relevant to your skills. 

Use this system the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or do it today to prevent your workload from becoming unmanageable in the first place! It’s also a helpful exercise to do before embarking on a new strategic plan. It’ll reveal where there is capacity to take on new initiatives identified throughout the strategic planning process. Think of it like a spring cleaning for your workload!
If you need some additional support through the delete, delegate, outsource, batch exercise or in developing your strategic plan, let’s connect!